The Long Journey Home (2017)

The Long Journey Home combines the endless freedom of space with a new open questing system that always leaves you in command. Deliver the stranded Glukkt to his homeworld as he asks, or to your new slaver friends? Attempt to make allies with everyone, or pin your hopes on the tougher races, and hope they never turn on you? Jump by jump, make hard decisions and live with the consequences, in a universe that is never the same twice.

Datum der Erstveröffentlichung:

Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Strategy, Adventure, Indie

Action, Science fiction, Survival

Bird view / Isometric, Side view

Game Engine:
Unreal Engine

PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Platform Releases:
PC (Microsoft Windows) (30.05.2017), Mac (28.06.2018), PlayStation 4 (14.11.2018), Xbox One (14.11.2018), Nintendo Switch (04.09.2019)

pax south 2017,pax east 2016,pax west 2016

PEGI-4 - Empfohlen ab 16 Jahren ESRB-11 - Mature 17+; ab 17 Jahren geeignet ACB-36 - (Recommended for Mature audiences) - bedeutet, dass das Medium nur für ältere Personen ab 15 Jahren empfohlen wird GRAC-25 - ab 15 Jahren CLASS_INC-31 - Not recommended for minors under fourteen

Sprache Oberfläche:
English French German Spanish (Spain) Korean Russian Chinese (Simplified) Polish

Sprache Untertitel:
English French German Spanish (Spain) Korean Russian Chinese (Simplified) Polish

Daedalic Studio West
Daedalic Entertainment

Daedalic Entertainment
Daedalic Studio West

Bewertung (Gesamt):
Bewertung (Story):
Bewertung (Sound):
Bewertung (Gameplay):
Bewertung (Grafik):
The Long Journey Home  (2017)

The Long Journey Home
Wer streamt The Long Journey Home?


IGDB-ID: 19301






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