Bronze Age (2017)

Two small classics from Clarus Victoria published in 2013, Stone Age and Bronze Age, are now available on Steam! Manage an ancient tribe in the African Savannah, build the first city in the Fertile Crescent, guide your people across prehistory and lead them to Victory!

Datum der Erstveröffentlichung:

Simulator, Strategy, Indie

Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS

Platform Releases:
Linux (Release: unbekannt), PC (Microsoft Windows) (Release: unbekannt), Mac (15.09.2017), Android (Release: unbekannt), iOS (Release: unbekannt)

Sprache Oberfläche:
Russian Chinese (Simplified) French Polish Czech

Clarus Victoria

Clarus Victoria

Steam Steam
IGDB-Datenbank (IGDB-ID: 65827)

Bewertung (Gesamt):
Bewertung (Story):
Bewertung (Sound):
Bewertung (Gameplay):
Bewertung (Grafik):
Bronze Age  (2017)

Bronze Age
Wer streamt Bronze Age?


IGDB-ID: 65827






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